Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Big victory in Boise, Idaho: State Supreme Court ruled to allow Boise citizens to vote on returning the Ten Commandments to the public square! This is just what the doctor ordered. (The Great Physician, that is!) Our own Rev. Pat Mahoney had a big hand in this development.

Is this a turning of the tide? Coming right on the heals of our own Ten Commandments victory, it just might be.

We'll now work with Rev. Mahoney's Christian Defense Coalition in a state-by-state strategy to use public referendums to bring back the Commandments! More about that later. For now . . .

. . . speaking of the Commandments (and the one on the Sabbath in particular), I am officially on vacation . . . finally!

I'll be back to the keyboard September 4. Look forward to being with you then!


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