Friday, October 13, 2006


I apologize for my absence. I've been out of form ever since my sudden and completely unexpected visit to Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Maybe you saw some of that on the news or read about. Some have asked, How did you get involved in Lancaster County? The answer is simple: Faith and Action has one of its largest bases of support in this very Christian area. I've also had long established friendships there that go back 20 years.

When the news reached us of the tragic shootings at the Amish school house in nickel Mines, I knew immediately someone who is a part of our ministry will be directly affected. Lancaster County is a very close knit community; that's especially true of the Christian community.

So, I prayed, cancelled meetings in Washington and jumped in my car to head two hours north. En route I made calls. Yes, indeed. Two of our dearest friends were directly touched by this horror: They employed the mother of the shooter. She was described to me as a wonderful Christian lady who loved the Lord and her family. But it was even bigger than that. The company she works for is entirely Christian, and they are more like a family than a business. All of herr more than 100 employees were devastated. When I got to them, they were in shock. We held a prayer service, and the Lord really met us. All of these brothers and sisters in Christ were set on ministering to their friend and her family, as much as to the families of the victims. It was the beginning of a dramatic lesson in Christian love, the heart of the Gospel and the essence of a redeemed community.

I intended to stay only a few hours but remained four days. They were four of the most life-changing days I've experienced in 25 years of Christian ministry. Emotionally, those days ranked right along with the aftermath of 9/11 and my visists to our supporting churches in New Orleans after Katrina. I'm still not over it.

Please check my website ( for the lessons (only the first of many more) I learned during my odyssey with the Roberts and Amish families of Lancaster County. It's all up at our website.

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